Movies Galore -- Copenhagen Night Film Festival

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It’s the Copenhagen Night Film Festival (da. Natfilmsfestival) this week. A cool movie festival held in Copenhagen each year, with movies from all over the world — most of them only shown in Denmark on the festival.

As usual I am a busy guest, seeing one or two movies per day. Here’s the movies I’ve seen so far:

Except for Gagamboy, which was disappointing, they’ve all been pretty good. But the best so far has been Forgiveness, a South African movie about an ex-cop from the apartheid days that returns and confronts the family of the boy he murdered as a cop. Touching and very good movie. It’s followed closely by The Woodsman, which is about a pedophile that returns to his hometown after 12 years in prison, and tries to get back to leading a normal life. A hard subject, and good acting from Kevin Bacon.

And here’s “what’s left”:

Gotta run … there’s a movie up :)

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