<canvas> support for IE
The newest release of the Novell XForms Explorer plugin for Internet Explorer includes limited support for <canvas>
. Not just for use with XForms documents but (X)HTML documents in general.
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» Internet Explorer 7 from JRB Technology
He said the new version will be built on the work they did in SP2, and other things. Gates mentioned they will go further to defend IE users from phishing and other deceptive software. Read More
How does it work?
The plug-in is a implementation of XForms using element behaviors. When you install the plug-in it “knows” all the XForms elements and does XForms processing. In the newest version I have additionally implemented the canvas element which is also just an element behavior. It exposes the javascript API just as Deer Park does it. So the same xhtml file should work the same in Deer Park as in IE with the plug-in installed.